Making Progress!

I just submitted my Plan B Draft 1 which contains, Abstract, Introduction, Table of Contents/Outline, Figures and Tables, Theoretical Framework, Literature Review, Methods, References and Appendicies. Whew! That feels like a nice long list!
Looming now are results, Discussion, Research Implications and Recommendations. PLUS...all of the dta analysis that has to go into that.
I feel pretty good to have settled on a teacher-action research framework after first thinking it was going to be grounded theory only to find out that would mean starting with no theoretical framework from literature and just going with my data analysis to develop the theory. I just felt too cast adrift with that idea. In addition, my sample size is only 4 teachers and I did not feel like I could do any more than make weak inferences to base any sort of theory on. This way, with action research I am identifying a problem (low general ed STEM teaching efficacy) and using the data to propose an action (more time with the STEAM specialist teacher-of course ;)
The next thing I want to do is get busy coding my pre-STEAM unit survey responses and scoring them. I will need to create some sort of matrix to break apart the low/high and weak/strong wording in the different items and then apply a score to come up with a total PSTE and total STOE. Then, I will look at each survey separately and review my submitted interview questions to pick 4-5 to start the interview with that fit the categories of responses I want to explore further with each individual respondent.
I am still not sure exactly how to pull categories from the survey responses so I think I need to spend bit more time with Creswell and Merriam on that- so much fun!
Feeling pretty buoyant- at least until those first comments from my Advisor start coming in!
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